Oracle Cloud Credentials

To add Oracle Public Cloud to Nirmata you will need the following information:

  1. Tenancy ID
  2. User ID
  3. Fingerprint
  4. Private Key

Refer to Oracle Cloud documentation for more information.

Adding Oracle Cloud Credentials to Nirmata

To add the Oracle Public Cloud to Nirmata:

  1. Go to Cloud Credentials and click +Add Cloud Provider. The Add Cloud Credentials screen appears.

  2. Select Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

  3. Enter name and description..

  4. In the Settings section, select region and enter the details for Tenancy ID, User ID, Fingerprint, and Private Key.

  5. Click Finish to go to the Validate tab. This screen validates your Oracle Cloud credentials in Nirmata.

Your Oracle Cloud Credential is configured when the Validate screen displays Success status.

Once the Oracle account access is validated, create a Cluster Type .