Deleting a Cluster

To delete your Kubernetes cluster, just click on the Delete Cluster menu option. The cluster will then shut down and all the cluster components will be removed. For Nirmata managed Host Groups, the cloud instances will automatically be deleted for you. For Direct Connect Host Groups, you can manually delete your VMs once the cluster is deleted.

Note: It is not recommended to reuse the VMs/Hosts to deploy another cluster to avoid any installation related to settings that remain on the VMs (e.g. data, NAT rules, etc.). You should shut down the VMs and deploy new VMs for your cluster.

To manually cleanup your hosts/VMs, run these commands on each host :

    # Stop and remove any running containers
    sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps | grep “flannel” | gawk '{print $1}')
    sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps | grep "nirmata" | gawk '{print $1}')

    sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps | grep "kube" | gawk '{print $1}')
    sudo docker rm  $(sudo docker ps -a | grep "Exit" |gawk '{print $1}')

    # Remove any cni plugins
    sudo rm -rf /etc/cni/*
    sudo rm -rf /opt/cni/*

    # Clear IP Tables
    sudo iptables --flush
    sudo iptables -tnat --flush

    # Restart Docker
    sudo systemctl stop docker
    sudo systemctl start docker
    sudo docker ps

    # Deletes the CNI interface
    sudo ifconfig cni0 down
    sudo brctl delbr cni0
    sudo ifconfig flannel.1 down
    sudo ifconfig flannel.4096 down
    sudo ifconfig kube-bridge down
    sudo ip link delete cni0
    sudo ip link delete flannel.1
    sudo ip link delete flannel.4096
    sudo ip link delete kube-bridge

    # Remove cluster database
    sudo rm -rf /data

Removing a Cluster

You can also remove any cluster from Nirmata by selecting the ‘Remove Cluster’ menu option. Removing a cluster will just remove the cluster from Nirmata but it will not delete any applications running in your cluster. Once the cluster is removed from Nirmata, it can no longer be managed using Nirmata.