AWS Cloud Credentials

You can configure your AWS cloud credentials in Nirmata. The following AWS access is required by Nirmata to provision your clusters:

  • Limited access for EC2
  • Full access for AWS EKS
  • ReadOnly access to IAM

The secure way to provide access is by configuring an Assume IAM role for Nirmata in your AWS account. You will need the Nirmata AWS account ID and an unique external ID to configure a role. When the role is configured, you provide Nirmata the role ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

You can add a AWS Cloud credentials by the following two methods:

  1. By configuring an Assume IAM role (Nirmata Cloud Edition)
  2. By configuring Access Key ID and Secret Access Key (Nirmata Private Edition)

To configure an AWS cloud credential:

  1. Go to Cloud Credentials and click +Add Cloud Credentials. The Add Cloud Credentials screen appears.

  2. Enter a name for your cloud credential and select Amazon Web Services from type dropdown.

  3. (Optional) Enter description for this cloud credential.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Under Settings tab, select a default region from Default Region dropdown.

  6. Perform any one action as given below to configure the AWS credentials and click Next.

    • Enter Cluster Role ARN. (Refer AWS Assume IAM Role for information on how to generate Cluster Role ARN in your AWS account.) OR
    • Enable Use Access Key and enter Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. (Refer AWS Access Key for information on how to generate Access Key Id and Secret Key in your AWS account.)
  7. Click Next to go to the Validate tab. This screen validates your AWS credential in Nirmata.

  8. Click Finish.

Your AWS Credential is configured when the Validate screen displays Success status.

Once the AWS account access is validated, setup an Nirmata Managed Cluster or create a Cluster Type .

See Also: